Embroidery is an art. There’s only one way for others to appreciate it: develop your passion and pass it on to others.
Design is our daily passion, the desire to create a product which is not only a distinctive mark for our clients but which complies with demands and lives up to all our expectations.
Clients’ ideas, sometimes not clearly defined, come to us in hundreds of different ways, starting from something as vague as a page torn out of a magazine. We redesign and elaborate to translate these into a workable process.
The fundamental point is the importance of understanding what the client wants, the sector in which he operates and the end user he has in mind so that a prototype can be created by redesigning and altering, to get a concrete result which will lead to the final desired effect. This is the stage where we assess the yarns and threads, the best materials, the procedures to use and combine.
This is what we mean by the design we can offer: the most important part of the process because, when well defined, it will take us to the very best result which will pose no problems in the sampling and production stages.
Your idea
to get the project off the ground
A pencil sketch, a cutting from a newspaper or magazine, sometimes even an actual object which can give substance to an idea.
Our software
to transform an idea into a pattern
The design reaches the automatized embroidering machine after we have translated it in terms of stitches, colours, yarns and directions.
to achieve the final effect
From the initial suggestion to the prototype, a journey to ensure good sampling and optimized production.
Pattern design department
All the embroidery patterns are created inside the company so that all stages are carefully monitored from design to production, and to ensure we can intervene at any time on the programme and modify it to suit a client’s additional requests.
Samples are of vital importance from our point of view too. Each and every sample represents for us as well as our clients the final achievement of a journey through an interchange of ideas, research into materials, design and prototypes. This will take us to the final version, meticulously cared for in every smallest detail.
Much more than a simple piece of embroidered fabric, it becomes the example and image of a collection, the business card of a trademark. A well-made sample will ensure clients’ products are launched on the market and we can go into production feeling totally satisfied at a job well done.
Consultancy means treading the path together.
It starts when we welcome a client to our embroidery showroom or when we visit a client with our proposals. It is a process of mutual discovery. We listen to clients’ requests, however vague they may be, and discover what they really need. The client on the other hand, discovers a whole new multifaceted world of state-of-the-art technical materials, yarns that change colour, an extensive range of combinations and shades, advanced technology in all its perfection.
Contact Us
Via Enrico Fermi, 52/F1
24035 Curno – BG – Italy
Call Us
(+39) 035 612202
Ricamificio 3V S.r.l.
–Via Enrico Fermi 52/F1 – 24035 – Curno (BG) – P.IVA – C.F. – R.I. 01769640168 – N° REA BG 235411 – Capitale Sociale 40.000€ i.v. – Codice Etico
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